MPA ECP Forum During 23rd Malaysian Conference & Psychological Medicine (MCPM) & 1st International Meeting of The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Psychotherapy Section

During this event, MPA ECP chapter has successfully organized the 1st ECP forum during the 23rd MCPM. The seats in the room during the forum were fully occupied throughout the session. The organizer also received such wonderful feedback from participants as the speakers were able to deliver their topics and sharing experiences with a very practical knowledge and skills required especially for the early career psychiatrists.

The team consisted of:

  • Chairperson: Dr Abdul Rasyid Sulaiman
  • Speaker 1: Dr Ahmad Rostam Md Zin “Work and Life Balance”
  • Speaker 2: Dr Rozanizam Zakaria “ Psychiatrists in The Social Media and Industry 4.0 Era: Are We Joining The Race?”
  • Speaker 3: Dr Nurul Nadia Ismail “The Sailing Story of Young Head of Department”
  • Speaker 4: Dr Dandaithapani Thyagarajan “Managing Stress in the Stressful Years of Medical Specialist”

Well done!