6th Kuala Lumpur MH Conference 2008 – The Scientific Program

Date: 4 July 2008

20th October 2008 (Monday) 8.00 – 8.30 : Registration 8.30 – 10.00 : Pre-conference Workshops 1. �Learning to breathe underwater� � using Motivational techniques to help recovery from addictions by Dr. Munidisa Winslow 2. Innovative Dementia Care Management Prof Kua Ee HeokDr Gemma WongDr Yau Weng Keong 3. Therapeutic Management of Aggression in the Community Dr Nor Hayati Ali, Dr Salina Abdul Aziz 4. Grief and Bereavement Counseling Asst Prof Amy Chow 5. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Dr Toh Chin Lee 1000 – 1030 : Tea 1030 – 1230 : Workshops � Continued 1230 � 1400 : Lunch 1400 � 1600 : Workshops � Continued 1600 : End of Workshops / Tea 21 October 2008 (Tuesday) 0830 � 0930: Plenary – Recent Advances In Schizophrenia, Dr Bernado Conde 0930 � 1000: Opening Ceremony 1000 � 1030: Tea 1030 � 1130: Plenary – Grief And Counseling, Asst Prof Amy Chow 1130 � 1230: Plenary � Evidence Based Practice In Psychogeriatric, Prof Kua Ee Heok 1230 � 1400: Lunch Symposium 1400 � 1530: General Symposium � Psychiatric Aspects Of Sexual Offences (I) Psychological Sequelae On Adult Victims – TBC (Ii) Psychological Consequences On Children � Dr Toh Chin Lee (Iii) Forensic Aspects Of Sexual Offences � Dr Badi�ah Yahya 1530 � 1700: General Symposium � Psychosocial Rehabilitation In Psychiatry (I) Current Concept Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation – Dr Hazlin Lockman (Ii) The Malaysian Strategy In Psychosocial Rehabilitation – Dr Cheah Yee Chuang (Iii) Role Of Occupational Therapist � Mdm Anil Kalsom 1700 � 1730: Tea 22nd October 2008 (Wednesday) 0830 � 0930: Plenary � Recent Advances in the Management of Alcohol Dependence, Dr Munidasa Winslow 0930 � 1030: Plenary � Psychiatric Emergency and Services, Dr Alex Su 1030 � 1100: Tea 1100 � 1230: Concurrent Symposia � Future Role of Allied Health Professionals in Mental Health in Malaysia (i) Career Prospects � Dr Hjh Bibi Florina Abdullah (ii) Specialisation � Mr Mansor J A Fenner (iii) Training Modules in Psychiatric Practice � Mr Bryan Savage 1100 � 1230: Concurrent Symposia � Pyschological Therapies (i) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Depression � Prof T Maniam (ii) Behavioural Therapy in Brain Injured Patients � Mr Alex Ng Wei Siong (iii) Psychological Therapy in Dementia � Dr Suraya Yusoff 1230 � 1400: Lunch Symposium 1400 � 1600: Free Paper Presentations 1600 � 1630: Closing Ceremony 1630: End of Conference/Tea For further reading, please download the Scientific Program below…


The Scientific Program (English – pdf) [55 Kb]