Pre-conference Workshop 1 – 22 May 2008 (Thursday)

Date: 28 April 2008

Optimisation of ECT: A Re-look into Current Practice Time Programme 0715 � 0800: Registration 08.00 � 08.10: Welcome Address Dr. Mohd Daud Dalip Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang 08.10 � 08.30: History / Indications for ECT Prof. Dr. Harold Sackeim Columbia University, USA 08.30 � 09.15: Pre-ECT Evaluation, Anesthetics and Use of Medication during the Course of ECT 09.15 � 09.30: ECT Practice in Malaysia Dr. Tuti Iryani Mohd Daud National University of Malaysia 09.30 � 10.15:Treatment procedures: electrode placement and stimulus dosing (Demonstration with MECTA) 10.15 � 10.30:Tea Break 10.30 � 11.00: Seizure monitoring using ictal motor activity and ictal EEG activity 11.00 � 11.45: How to Read EEGs? 11.45 � 12.30: How to Manage Missed, Abortive and Prolong Seizures?Re-stimulation policy. How frequent and how many treatments? 12.45 � 13.00: Q & A 13.00 : Lunch For further reference, please download the below document….

Workshop 1 (English – pdf) [340 Kb]