Public Education
Let’s adjust to change
Date: 3 July 2006
Old age is another phase in the journey of life. Life for the elderly can be filled with positive and meaningful experiences.
Let’s adjust to:-
Feeling of loneliness, isolation and abandonment arising from:-
- Loss of your spouse
- Loss of your friends
- Children leaving home
- Loss of independence due to immobility
Financial difficulties arising from:-
- Loss of income following retirement
- Increasing expenditure due to cost of medication and aids/equipment
Changes to your body:-
- Movement and reaction time slow down
- Failing memory
- Stiffening joints and weakened muscles
- Eyesight and hearing become poorer
- Changes in sleep pattern
Early warning signs that show you are not adjusting well:-
- Losing your temper easily
- Feeling tired all the time
- Getting worried easily
- Persistent feeling of sadness
- Difficulty in coping with everyday activities
- Forgetfulness
- Changes in sleeping patterns
- Changes in eating habits
Suggestions for good mental health
Talk to someone when you have problems
- Sharing your problems helps you to cope better
Make friends
- Meet up with old friends
- Get involved in activities, societies or hobby clubs
Keep yourself occupied
- Reading
- Share interests with neighbours, relatives, family and friends.
Keep your body healthy
- Exercise regularly
- Eat healthily
- Drink plenty of water
Do things with your family Maintain a good family relationship
- Go for walks, meals, movies
- Share your hobbies
- Discuss issues
Be realistic about changes in:
- Physical abilities e.g. strength
- Memory
- Concentration
Be aware of your rights as they may make life easier
- Senior citizens discounts
- Healthcare
- Financial assistance
- Welfare aid
Talking to someone helps your mental health
Source: A Public Health Education Information from the Ministry of Health Malaysia