
6th Kuala Lumpur MH Conference 2008 – Pre Conference Workshops

Date: 4 July 2008

Workshop 1:�Learning to breathe underwater� � using Motivational techniques to help recovery from addictions This workshop will help doctors, psychiatrists, counselors and therapists understand The Transtheoretical Stage Model of Change (Prochaska and DiClementi), and how to use motivational techniques to help people change their addictive behaviours in the different stages from pre-contemplation onwards. There will be opportunity to practice and model counseling techniques to enhance motivation in the various stages.

Workshop 2: Innovative Dementia Care Management Topics include clinical management; medicolegal aspect; community partnership for dementia care; and application of case management to dementia care.

Workshop 3: Therapeutic Management of Aggression in the Community Recommended to staff from the psychiatric, mental health, addiction or emergency services, this workshop explores the causes of aggression; risk assessment and our awareness of the situation; followed by learning verbal interventions designed to proactively de-escalate potentially aggressive situations. In situations where violence is still a possibility, basic physical skills (evasion and break away) will be taught so that the situation can be managed in a safe and legal manner.

Workshop 4: Grief and Bereavement Counseling This covers the use of self in grief and bereavement counseling; updated bereavement theories and researches; reactions of bereaved persons; anticipatory grief work; and bereavement care.

Workshop 5: Attention Deficit Hyeractivity Disorder