
Foreword by the Chairperson – 14th MCPM

Date: 30 April 2009

Dear colleagues and friends, The time has come again! On behalf of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association (MPA) I would like to extend a warm invitation to mental health workers to participate in the 14th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine (MCPM) which will take place in Kuala Lumpur in June 2009. MPA has successfully organized MCPM since it began with various themes. Recovery A Reality has been chosen as the theme for the upcoming MCPM because there is a paradigm in mental health practice all over the world including Malaysia. During the past two decades the concept of recovery has become a familiar part of the language of mental health services and policy. Treating mental illness has moved from merely as a chronic remitting disorder to the full functioning of individuals in the community. Therefore, the right of individuals to lead a normal living is upheld.Moreover, this finally would enable ones to fulfill his or her roles in the community effectively. In this conference we can enhance our understanding on moving towards recovery as one of the objectives in managing our patients. We have to overcome the paradigm of chronicity in treating our patients. Therefore optimism will emerge in bringing a brighter future to individuals with mental illness. I would also like to welcome your participation in the scientific events such as workshops, plenary lectures, symposia and oral and poster presentation. Therefore this will enhance knowledge among us in providing better care for our patients which finally will help in achieving recovery. Once again I would like to invite everyone who involve in managing mentally ill individuals to participate in this conference. I believe your participation would make this event a success. Looking forward to greeting you in 14th MCPM! Dr Yen Teck Hoe President Malaysian Psychiatric Association Related links: 1. Committee 2. Outline of the Conference 3. Registration Fee 4. Accommodation Information and Map Otherwise, please download the final announcement below:

14th MCPM Final Announcement (English – pdf) [715 Kb]